Our Products
Our offerings of private labels under the name of Ark and Marak,
two distinct characters using the same source of pure Arak Bali
distilled from fresh fermented palm zap in the Island of Gods.
“Ngelingi biyen ing jaman saiki, supaya dieling-eling ing mangsa ngarep.”
Remembering the past in the present, to remember it in the future. Time is precious; we create memories "to treasure time, to appreciate the moment." Cherish moments with loved ones with ARK, fostering fond memories and meaningful connections.
MARAK is more than just a local drink; it's an art form, capturing generations of history in every sip.
From palm sap picking to distillation, we honor time-tested techniques, embodying Balinese heritage and the diaspora community. Our arak is a modern sensory journey that transcends borders and time.